Manual Simulation#

Independently run a 24 hour simulation for India from 2016 10 05.


Check you have the GFS data you need for the dates required to initialise and force meteorological conditions (1 file per 3 hours, 8 files per day, none are too small):

cd /nobackup/${USER}
mkdir initial_boundary_meteo_gfs 
cd initial_boundary_meteo_gfs
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/initial_boundary_meteo_gfs/GF201610{04..07}* .

If require more GFS data, can copy more over from /nobackup/WRFChem/initial_boundary_meteo_gfs or can use the download scripts get_GFS_analysis_2004-current.bash and get_GFS_analysis_parallel.bash within cd /nobackup/WRFChem/download_and_find_gfs_mz4.

Create a test run folder for the manual run of WRF:

cd /nobackup/${USER}/
mkdir testrun

Copy link_grib.csh to the new folder.

cd /nobackup/${USER}/testrun
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/link_grib.csh .

Link the required GFS data via link_grib.csh in to the new simulation folder.

./link_grib.csh /nobackup/${USER}/initial_boundary_meteo_gfs/GF201610*

Copy over the ungrib, geogrid and metgrid folders.

cp -r /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/ungrib .
cp -r /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/geogrid .
cp -r /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/metgrid .

Link the ungrib, geogrid and metgrid executables from the folders that are now copied over.

ln -sf metgrid/src/metgrid.exe
ln -sf geogrid/src/geogrid.exe
ln -sf ungrib/src/ungrib.exe

Copy over the WPS and input namelists.

cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/namelist.wps .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/namelist.input .

Link to the variables table.

  • If post-2015 simulation, use new variable table:

    ln -sf /nobackup/WRFChem/Vtable.GFS_new Vtable
  • If pre-2015 simulation, use old variable table:

    ln -sf /nobackup/WRFChem/Vtable.GFS Vtable

Copy over the WRF and real executables, and the WRF and real bash scripts for job submission.

cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/real.exe .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/real.bash .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/wrf.exe .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/wrf.bash .

Edit the time for the run on the WPS namelist according to the new requirements for the simulation. Be careful for leap years, and any changes made in the WPS namelist have to mirrored if the same variables are present in the input namelist.

  • start_date = '2016-10-05_00:00:00'.

  • end_date   = '2016-10-06_00:00:00'.

  • number of domains (use 1).

  • spatial resolution (dx and dy).

  • map projection (i.e. Lambert conformal, Mercator, polar stereographic, or Regular latitude-longitude also known as cylindrical equidistant).

  • If lambert, dx and dy are in metres.

  • Uses projection parameters: truelat1, truelat2, stand_lon.

  • See page 37 of WRF User Guide.

  • Update and edit the namelist.input.

  • make sure the run_hours, start date, end date, timestep, e_we, e_sn, dx, dy are the same here as they are in the namelist.wps.

  • time step for integration seconds (recommended 6*dx in km for a typical case).

Load the netCDF module.

module load netcdf
export NETCDF=$(nc-config --prefix)


Run geogrid

  • Configures the horizontal domain, interpolating static geographical data.

    • Creates geography ( for each domain.

    • Progress logged in geogrid.log.

Run ungrib

  • Reads, reformats, and extracts meteo input data.

    • Creates meteorology by ungribbing the GFS grb2 files.

    • Intermediate files for every time step.

    • Progress logged in ungrib.log.

Run metgrid

  • Ingests and interpolates input data creating initial and boundary meteorological conditions.

    • Creates for every 6 hour time step, for both domains.

    • Also metgrid.log.

Copy the anthro_emiss, wesely, exo_coldens, megan_bio_emiss, mozbc executables.

cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/anthro_emis .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/wesely .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/exo_coldens .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/megan_bio_emiss .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/mozbc .

Copy the input files for these executables.

cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/emis_edgarhtap2_mozmos.inp .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/wesely.inp .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/exo_coldens.inp .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/megan_bio_emiss.inp .
cp /nobackup/WRFChem/testrun_files/mozbc.inp .

Copy over the run subdirectory from WRF.

cp -r /nobackup/${USER}/WRFChem/run/* .

Remove the testrun version of real.exe and wrf.exe and copy the freshly compiled versions.

rm real.exe
rm wrf.exe
cp /nobackup/${USER}/WRFChem/main/real.exe .
cp /nobackup/${USER}/WRFChem/main/wrf.exe .

Link the required MOZART chemical boundary condition files (need previous day too for spin up).

cd /nobackup/

cd /nobackup/${USER}
mkdir initial_boundary_chem_mz4
cd initial_boundary_chem_mz4
cp /nobackup/${USER}/initial_boundary_chem_mz4/MZ2016oct .
cd /nobackup/${USER}/testrun
ln -sf /nobackup/${USER}/initial_boundary_chem_mz4/MZ2016oct
  • Pre-2018:

  • Post-2018:

    • Download WACCM.

    • Note the directory needs to change in config.bash (MOZARTdir).

  • Can access individual days using the script.

    cd /nobackup/WRFChem/download_and_find_gfs_mz4
    . get_MZ4_fcst.bash YYYY MM DD

Run real.exe

vi real.bash
  • This has all the requirements for time, nodes, cores, processors.

    • 1 core required, with h_vmem 6GB.

    • May need to change/remove the project code.

    • Before running real.exe, may need to comment out (with a ! in Fortran) in namelist.input aux_input_6 for megan_bio_emiss (3 lines which relates to this).

Check namelists, run real, and check progress.

qsub real.bash
  • Interpolates between the intermediate files to create the time domain data at the prescribed time intervals.

  • When complete, creates:

    • real.bash.o3502300.

      • Output from the job submission script (MPI output from job id 3502300).

    • real.bash.e3502300.

      • Error from the job submission script (MPI output from job id 3502300).

    • namelist.output.

      • wrfinput_d01 (for initial conditions).

      • wrfinput_d02 (for initial conditions).

      • wrfbdy_d01 (for boundary conditions).

    • Check rsl.error* that the run was successful.

      • If it fails, the wrfinput and wrfbdy won’t be created.

    • Check in rsl.error* and rsl.out* files for each core.

Edit namelist for biogenic emissions.

vi megan_bio_emiss.inp


./megan_bio_emiss < megan_bio_emiss.inp
  • Creates for both domains (wrfbiochemi_d*).

Edit and run mozbc.

vi mozbc.inp
  • Domain 1, do_ic = .true.

    • Updates wrfinput_d01 (NetCDF) with initial conditions.

  • Domain 1, do_bc = .true.

    • Updates wrfbdy_d01 (NetCDF) with boundary conditions.

  • If ncview wrfbdy_d01, then can see the 2D curtains in space of the boundary conditions (think of box walls), i.e. T is transect or not, X or Y domain, E east or S south.

    • Domain 2, do_ic = .true.

  • Updates wrfinput_d02 (netCDF) with initial conditions for the nested domain, as gets its boundary conditions from the outer domain.

    ./mozbc < mozbc.inp

Run wesely.

  • Reads, reformats, and extracts input data for dry deposition.

  • Copy over the file.

  • Creates and

    cp /nobackup/WRFChem/wes-coldens/ .
    ./wesely < wesely.inp

Run exo coldens.

  • Reads, reformats, and extracts input data.

  • Copy over the file.

  • Creates exo_coldens_d01 and exo_coldens_d02.

    cp /nobackup/WRFChem/wes-coldens/ .
    ./exo_coldens < exo_coldens.inp

Edit anthropogenic namelist (check the NO/NO2 ratio from NOX is correct for your domain).

vi emis_edgarhtap2_mozmos.inp

Run anthro_emis.

./anthro_emis < emis_edgarhtap2_mozmos.inp
  • Run for both domain 1 and 2 separately.

    • Change the start_output_time and stop_output_time.

    • Creates wrfchemi.


Before running wrf.exe, may need to comment back in (removing the !) in namelist.input aux_input_6 for megan_bio_emiss (3 lines which relates to this).

Create bash script for wrf.exe.

vi wrf.bash

This has all the requirements for time, nodes, cores, processors. 32 cores required.
Run wrf.exe.

qsub wrf.bash

Can follow the progress by tailing the rsl.error.0000 file.

tail rsl.error.0000

Can also check jobs running on HPC through.



  • wrfout files per hour.

  • rsl.out.* (for each core).

  • rsl.error.* (for each core).

Check linked files were for this ${USER}.


Not doing in the test run.

To view wrfout files (without the post-processing).

conda activate ncview # or module load ncview
ncview wrfout*