Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions#
Submit runs individually and quality control.
Check all steps in the process have run correctly.
Check main.bash.o has “substituting initial chemistry from restart” if do not want a cold start.
Manage space requirements, as run and output folders can get very large.
in 2 week chunks to fit within 48 hours.Information on improving performance here.
A selection of data science scripts using Python here.
Anthropogenic emissions#
Check that:
input namelist (e.g.,emis_edgarhtap2_mozmos.inp
) has the following mappings (i.e., WRFChem variable assigned to inventory variable):ORGI
assigned toPOM
(particulate organic matter).The emissions of Organic Carbon (OC) need to be converted to total particulate organic matter (POM), which includes the associated oxygen, hydrogen and other elements.
assigned toOIN_PM2.5
(other inorganic matter under 2.5 \(\mu m\)).PM_10
assigned toPM2.5_10
(coarse particulate matter for 2.5-10 \(\mu m\)).
These 3 inventory variables (i.e.,
, andPM2.5_10
) have their own NetCDF files:Ideally, these are provided directly from the emission inventory.
If not, then you can calculate them for your data offline.
Ensure that these files have their units attribute set to
"kg m-2 s-1"
(reference).This can be done using the following command for all emission variables within the files. For example, for the
file for the variableemis_tot
use:ncatted -O -a units,emis_tot,a,c,"kg m-2 s-1"
Example for EDGARHTAP2.2/MEIC emissions using
chem_opt = 202
:This inventory provided
(organic carbon),PM2.5
(all PM2.5), andPM10
(all PM10).First, create the required variables (save them all as new NetCDF files using the chemical names
, andPM2.5_10
file by multiplyingOC
by a scaling factor.The scaling factor is usually in the range of 1.4-1.7 and is ideally sector-specific.
as equal toPM2.5
.Here, you are subtracting
, which you calculated above.Set any negative values to 0 (as this can cause errors).
as equalPM10
.Take care here to ensure subtacting
, and not justOIN_PM2.5
.Set any negative values to 0 (as this can cause errors).
Then, open the
input namelistemis_edgarhtap2-meic2015_mozmos.inp
.Check that
Check that
These instructions may be different for other emission inventories and chemical mechanisms.
Troubleshooting and errors#
Find the errors’ first occurance, checking rsl.error, rsl.out, .e, .o, and .log files within the run folder.
You need to make sure all programs are compiled and useable, and that the paths in your config.bash point to the correct locations.
You need to ensure that your data is all available for the period you want to simulate (including meteo spin-up).
You need to ensure your namelists are correct.
Check Google groups for:
Try increasing the debug level.
Timesteps for meteorology (time_step in namelist.wrf), chemistry (chemdt in namelist.chem), and biogenics (bioemdt in namelist.chem) need to match (careful of units).
If no error message given at the bottom of rsl.error. file:
Potentially a violation of the CFL criterion:
Try reducing the timestep.
Try turning w_damping off.
Potentially a memory error:
Increase the number of cores.
Increase the memory per core.
Download ECMWF meteorlogy files#
Retrieve your key.
Copy the information to
Create a python2 environment for ecmwf-api-client (this library has not yet been updated for python 3).
conda create -n python2_ecwmf -c conda-forge ecmwf-api-client
Go to the folder
.Edit the python scripts:
Both surface and pressurelevels.
Only need to change the date and target name.
Qsub the .bash scripts
Edit pre.bash to comment out the GFS and comment in the ECMWF files
Ensure the date and target name correspond to those you want to run with
Change the number of meteorological vertical levels from 27 (GFS) to 38 (ECMWF)
Also, the number of meteorological soil levels from 4 (GFS):
To 3 for ECMWF with WRFChem4
To 4 for ECMWF with WRFChem3
To run with a nest#
Offline nests:
See step-by-step guide to run with a nest document from Carly Reddington.
Uses ndown.exe for one-way nesting
Feedback = 0
Parent and nest domain may drift apart
Online nests:
Turn off urban physics (i.e.
sf_urban_physics = 0, 0, 0
) in physics subsection of namelist.wrf.Requires a large amount of cores, as memory intensive
Uses wrf.exe for two-way nesting
Feedback = 1
Have an odd number for the parent_grid_ratio.
For nest 2, (e_we-s_we+1) must be one greater than an integer multiple of the parent_grid_ratio (3 or 5).
WRF will decompose each domain in the exact same way, so ensure all the domains are similar shapes (i.e. don’t have a square domain within a rectangular domain, or even a rectangular domain which is longer in the x-direction within another domain which is longer in the y-direction).
Check all namelist settings and check all required nest parameters are set (use registry to check which parameters need to be set for every domain).
All variables with dimension = max_domains or (max_dom) need to be set for the nests
Careful the domains are not too big, otherwise wrfinput won’t be created
Use same physics options and physics calling options e.g. radt/cudt
An exception is cumulus scheme. One may need to turn it off for a nest that has grid distance of a few kilometers or less.
For nest, e_we and e_sn for a parent_grid_ratio of 3 must be return a whole number when minus 1 and divide by parent_grid_ratio (3)
Decrease restart_interval to 720 (2/day) from 360 (4/day)
Tests with less than 24 hours break the coarsest domains mozbc
Add diurnal cycle for all domains:
Within MAIN_emission_processing.ncl, change to all domains.
Decrease propotionally
Radiation timestep should coincide with the finest domain resolution (1 minute per km dx), but it usually is not necessary to go below 5 minutes. All domains should use the same value, so that radiation forcing is applied at the same time for all domains.
Other namelist.wrf settings specific for domains < 3km res
smooth_option = 0
cugd_avedx = 3
smooth_option = 0
cu_rad_feedback = .false.
cu_diag = 0
slope_rad = 1
topo_shading = 1
non_hydrostatic = .false.
To run with cumulus parameterisation off#
cldchem_onoff = 1
chem_conv_tr = 0
(subgrid convective transport)conv_tr_wetscav = 0
(subgrid convective wet scavenging)conv_tr_aqchem = 0
(subgrid convective aqueous chemistry)
Resolution < 5 km
Resolution < 5 km
cu_physics = 0
(cumulus parameterization off)cugd_avedx = 3
(number of grid boxes over which subsidence is spread)
, turn off nudging
Changes for WRFChem4#
Select updates for WRFChem4
Bug fixes:
NOAH land surface scheme
Thompson microphysics scheme
Boundary layer and surface schemes from MYNN.
Chemical reaction rate constant for reaction: SO2 + OH -> SO4
Dust < 0.46 microns contribution to AOD.
Dust and salt bin contributions to AOD.
Urban physics.
Fires (
).glysoa not needed as no longer uses to_toa variable which has the summation error (
within WPS4/geogrid is a hard copy of theGEOGRID.TBL.ARW_CHEM
including erod.
New defaults
Hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate.
Temperature variable is now moist theta.
Method to compute vertical levels, smooth variation of dz.
Various improved options available:
ra_sw_physics = 14
,ra_lw_physics = 14
) improves RRTMG
To run with WRFChem3.7.1 or WRFChem4.2#
Within config.bash
Replace all instances of 4.2 with 3.7.1, or vice-versa.
Use the appropriate geography files, being either
Within namelist.wps.blueprint
For the
variable (within&geogrid
), use'modis_30s+30s'
for WRFChem3.7.1 and use'default'
for WRFChem4.2.
Within namelist.wrf.blueprint
Remove the
variable (within&time_control
) for WRFChem3.7.1 and have it set toT
for WRFChem4.2.For the
variable (within&domains
), use4
for WRFChem3.7.1 and3
for WRFChem4.2.For the
variable (within&physics
), use4
for WRFChem3.7.1 and3
for WRFChem4.2.For the
variable (within&physics
), use20
for WRFChem3.7.1 and21
for WRFChem4.2.
To run with a diurnal cycle#
Choosing the diurnal cycle:
There are several different diurnal cycles in WRF_UoM_EMIT.
They are contained in the
files. Whichever of these files is named emission_script_data.ncl will be the diurnal cycle that is read byMAIN_emission_processing.ncl
. The currentemission_script_data.ncl
is a copy ofemission_script_data_EU.ncl
.EU = European diurnal cycles based on Olivier et al 2003
EX = Exaggerated diurnal cycle with 99% of emissions during daytime
QH = Qinghua diurnal cycle
Change settings in
To check if the diurnal cycle application was successful, run the following python script, which should be within WRF_UoM_EMIT, and is automatically linked to your run folder during pre.bash. Take a copy of the file from the following location if you don’t have it:
To run with NAEI emissions#
To add (or remove) variables to wrfout files#
First, check whether the variable is in the Registry. If it isn’t, then add it using the steps here.
Then, if you’re running with chemistry edit the file
, otherwise edit the fileiofields.met
, which are both in WRFotron.There are lines of text such as:
The + is to add or - is to remove a variable.
The h is for the history (wrfout) stream. Can have history, restarts, or both.
The 0 is for the stream number. Generally, stream numbers of 10-24 are okay, and avoid 22-23.
Then list the variables.
To include upper boundary conditions#
Turn on the
boolean withinnamelist.chem.blueprint
.Set the lowest pressure level where the upper boundary concentrations are overwritten:
variable, default is 50 (hPa).Provide 2 data files: a climatology for tropopause levels (
) and an input file with upper boundary conditions for gas species (fixed_ubc_inname
).Climatologies for 4 different time periods derived from WACCM RCP simulations are here. A direct download link is here. Within here is the
file, along with the 4 different climatology time
where the years used to produce the climatology are specified in the file names.
Copy the climatology files over to each run folder by adding the following to the bottom of
:msg "bringing over upper boundary condition files" cp /nobackup/${USER}/where_you_place_these_files/{,} .
To run with the chemistry option T1-MOZCART (chem_opt = 114)#
Replace the contents of
with that frommozbc.inp.blueprint_114_mz4
.Delete ONIT from boundary condition input file (i.e.
), as this is not currently in our version of WRFChem.Delete N2O from boundary condition input file (i.e.
), as this is not in the MOZBC netcdf file.Make the following changes to
:cldchem_onoff = 0
, was previously 1.biomass_burn_opt = 4
, was previously 2.
Make the following change to
:auxinput6_inname = 'wrfbiochemi_d<domain>', ! biogenic emission filename
, was previously'wrfbiochemi_d<domain>_<date>'
More information is here.
Benchmarking and Testing#
Run together automatically by submitting
. benchmark_and_test.bash
.This runs short (48 hour) simulations per season over the default domain and evaluates against either the China measurements or from OpenAQ.
To select which measurement set the model is evaluated against, set the corresponding Boolean in
.They run from the output directory, and can both be run manually using
qsub benchmark.bash
andqsub tests.bash
.To discuss these further and suggest improvements, see the discussions for them: Benchmarks and Tests.
Run WRFChem for long-term scenarios (Climate WRF)#
Use a version of WRFChem compiled with climate functionality.
Use manual compilation.
After running
and creating theconfigure.wrf
file within a clean WRFChem folder, edit theconfigure.wrf
file to add-DCLWRFGHG \
to line 212 (after-DNETCDF
).The flag CLWRFGHG compiles green house gases computation (for CAM ra_lw/sw).
Run the compilation (
./compile em_real >& log.compile
).Within the
folder, link one of the scenarios e.g.,ln -sf CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.RCP4.5 CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio
More information here:
To change the MOZBC boundary conditions#
Change the data reference in
to be a copy of the corresponding MOZBC blueprint in the namelists folder, e.g., to use WACCM instead of MZ4 makemozbc.inp
a copy ofmozbc.inp.blueprint_202_waccm
Heterogeneous chemistry with chem_opt = 202
Follow instructions here.
To see details of all the variables, see the registry files e.g. for chemistry:
To see the equations used for your mechanism, see the file:
To see the variable mappings between the mechanism and WRFChem (which can have different names), see the file:
To see the rate constants used per equation, see the file (note, that these match the equations in sequential order e.g., the final rate constant for equation 346 matches to equation {S060}):